Today I celebrate an Awesome Woman of GOD, A Mother, A Minister, and A Friend to many. Today is my mom's (mumbles age) bday!
I am always thankful for the relationship I have with my mom. When I woke up this morning I was reminded of the relationship we have had over the years. No we have not always been close and yes we have had our knock down drag out I am never talking to you again fights but one thing she has always said was I am always your mother and I will always love you with the love of GOD and she has done that very thing.
Growing up I was always close to my grandmother. We shared a special relationship and whenever I had an issue I went to my Ma she always made everything better. We talked daily sometimes multiple times a day. After my grandmother passed I had a conversation with my mom about my grandmothers death and how everyone was dealing with it. My mom said "Even though you were close to your grandmother and will miss her dearly you still have a mother...I am still your mother but my siblings and I we know longer have a mother."
That conversation really made me think. Yes I would miss my grandmother (my eyes are tearing up even writing this) but I still have a mother who loves me. Today I talk to my mom daily either through email or on the phone. I am thankful for the relationship that we have today and I know that everything comes on GOD's appointed time.
At this appointed time I am thankful that my mom is not only my mother I am thankful that she is my minister. She ministers to me on a daily basis. She not only speaks life into me she tells me about myself when I am wrong. My mom has never been one to bite her tongue so I love how she does not sugar coat things for me. She does not pacify me and holds me accountable. She prays for me daily and intercedes on my behalf and because she is so connected to me she knows when I am sad and going through something. She praises me when I do well and tells me she loves me ALL the time. She covers me!
My mom isn't just my minister and protector she is also the same with my brother and sisters (to include my sister n law). She gives each of us what we need and never seems depleted. I am thankful that is a child of the Most High and is able to get restored daily because my siblings and I are a handful (LOL).
So today I celebrate this Awesome Woman of GOD, A Mother, A Minister, and A Friend to many! I love you Mama!
A'Keta Julinate'