31 Days of Declarations

Last month changed my life and I am pretty sure when GOD told me to do 31 Days of Declarations for the entire month of August that HE knew that I would be different after this journey. 

I was intentenial about spending time with GOD on a daily basis studying HIS word, speaking it over my life and then sharing it with people that follow me on Persicope. Some days no one logged on and that was okay because GOD had already told me even if no one shows up keep waking up and doing it. That is when I knew that it was for me first before it was for anyone else. 

Isn't it amazing how GOD works thing out on your behalf. There were a lot of things that I was going through personally during this journey and when GOD would give me the declaration to share it was something I need to speak over my situation. Most days I was literally fighting for my life and sanity and GOD would show up with an on time word for me to fight the enemy with! Gosh I LOVE HIM! 

So today is a new month and GOD has given me a new assignment as HE continues to strength me but I wanted to share the Declarations for those that might have missed them last month. I worked for the military for 6yrs and during that time I learned how to prepare for battle so use these words to combat the thoughts that have you thinking you aren't enough or to come against the words of the naysayers. All you have to do is...

Speak and believe the words that you declare over your life, pray and ask GOD to give you strength during this journey, worship and praise GOD for all HE is going to do in your life (this is where the breakthrough is going to take place) and finally share the word with others! 

I pray this blesses you as much as it blessed me. Please let me know how it goes.


ENJOY 31 DAYS of Declarations.

I DECLARE I can not be defeated, discouraged, depressed or disappointed. {Philippians 4:13-14}

I EXPECT the best days of my life spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and financially in JESUS name. {Romans 5:13}

I DECLARE I have the wisdom of GOD today. I will think the right thoughts, say the right words and make the right decisions in every situation. {1 Corinthians 2:16}

I DECLARE GOD is on my side today and therefore I cannot be defeated. {Psalm 91}

I DECLARE I live by Faith not by sight or my feelings and my Faith is rooted in the word of GOD.{2 Timothy 1:7}

I DECLARE I am fearfully and wonderfully made by GOD. I am HIS workmanship, HIS masterpiece. Therefore I will praise HIM at all times and I will not walk in insecurity. {Psalm 139:13-14 and Ephesians 2:10}

I DECLARE GOD has plans to prosper me and to give me a a good future and a hope. {Jeremiah 29:11}

I DECLARE GOD richly supplies all my needs. {Philippians 4:19}

I REFUSE to allow sickness to dominate my body. {Isaiah 54:4 and Matthew 8:16-17}

I DECLARE each of my family members is wonderfully blessed and radically loves JESUS! {Acts 16:30-31}

I DECLARE I am a carrier of the Light and bring Light to dark places. {Matthew 5:15}

I DECLARE I am a minister of reconciliation a peacemaker. {Matthew 5:9 and 2 Corinthians 5:18}

I DECLARE I am a winner! A Victor! More than a conqueror! An overcomer! I am a "nevergive-upper". I am a survivor of trials that refine me as a gold tried in the fire. {Romans 8:37-38}

I DECLARE my prayers are powerful and effective. {James 5:15-16}

I DECLARE my house is built on CHRIST and will stand when the storms hit. My children are blessed and protected and as for me and my household we will serve the LORD. {Proverbs 10:25}

I DECLARE I AM Blessed! {Deuteronomy 28:1-14}

I DECLARE the Spirit of truth lives in me and HE will guide me into all that is truth. HE will show me things to come as I allow HIM to speak into my life. {John 16:13-14}

I DECLARE if it is GOD's will that (name that person) be saved and comes to a knowledge of truth.{1 Timothy 2:4-6}

I DECLARE VICTORY over (name your situation). {1 John 5:4}

I DECLARE that GOD has great plan for my life. HE is directing my steps. {Jeremiah 29:11}

I DECLARE I am a new creature in CHRIST forgiven and free of shame and condemnation, washed by HIS powerful blood. {Romans 8:1-2}

I DECLARE that GOD will open up doors for me to have Godly relationships. {Philippians 2:3}

I DECLARE that GOD has given me a peace of mind! {Colossians 3:15}

I DECLARE I am blessed to be a blessing. I will sow and reap generously on every occasion, will live to give cheerfully and will learn to steward well GOD's blessings in my life. {2 Corinthians 9:6-8}

I DECLARE I can do all things today through CHRIST as HE gives me strength. HIS Strength is made perfect in my weaknesses and whatever I face today HE will give me the strength to match and to overcome it. {Philippians 4:13}

I DECLARE I am the head. I have insight I have wisdom. I have ideas. I have authority. {Deuteronomy 28:13, 8:18; James 1:5-8, Luke 10:19}

I DECLARE I have childlike Faith. {Luke 18:17}

I DECLARE my life is full of JOY! {James 1:2}

I DECLARE that GOD answers prayers. { Jeremiah 33:3}

I DECLARE GOD loves me(you). { John 15:13-16}

I DECLARE the favor of the LORD is upon me. {Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:17-21}


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