I am one of a few women I know that loves their annual visit to the OB/GYN office. I know I know call me crazy but I desire to have children of my own one day soon and the older I get I always want to talk to my doctor to make sure everything is okay with me.
Well a few weeks ago I walked into my annual appointment excited to catch up with my doctor about his new office, his latest vacation spots and my ovaries (lol). My appointment was going well until my doctor mentioned that he felt a fibroid during my check up. Now I don't remember much after I heard those words come out of my doctor's mouth all I remember is smiling as if everything was okay when really I wanted to break down and cry and ask him a thousand questions.
I left out of my appointment with so many thoughts running through my mind and as I sat in the car I didn't know if I wanted to cry or to go get some comfort food (If you know me then you know I throw the BEST pity parties around and I am a BIG cry baby...lol). Instead I called my cousin (who is a doctor) to have her better explain fibroids to me and to calm me down. As she explained that fibroids are common in African American women and that I could still conceive and deliver a healthy baby with fibroids I heard the Holy Spirit say 'Crucify a Flesh' and sense of calmness came over me.
Later that evening after talking to my mom I decided that although fibroids were common GOD didn't call me to be common....I am an anomaly. I eat healthy and work out so that I can be ready to carry my child when GOD decides to bless me with her (yes her...lol) so I started praying over my body daily and declaring the word of GOD over my life which took my FAITH to another level. I also changed my diet up a little more because I wanted to be intentional about doing my part!
This past Tuesday morning around 2 am the Holy Spirit woke me and dropped 3 James 1:2 in spirit Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]. I sat in bed knowing that was an on time word from GOD as I preparing to go back to the doctor later that morning for a vaginal ultrasound.
LOL.....well I don't have to tell you how this story ends do I? I mean you know the GOD we serve right?! Okay Okay I will tell you so that GOD can get the Glory. As the nurse was starting my ultrasound she said that I would see the fibroids on the screen in front of me and I laughed and said well I am praying that I won't (my confidence was on 10 at this point) and GUESS WHAT I didn't see any fibroids and neither did the nurse. She was almost confused because I guess my doctor is normally accurate. I got dressed and went back to see my doctor and even he looked a little confused but he said EVERYTHING on the ultrasound looked great! I smiled, thanked GOD and literally floated out of the doctors office!
My first texts went to my sisters, my prayer group and my cousin....all with the same text.... Thanks for the prayers! All of my test results came back negative! I am actually ovulating right now so if you can pray for GOD to send my husband today we can get married and make this baby! LOL...I mean you have to ask for what you want right?
I am so thankful that GOD continues to be crazy FAITHFUL in my life and I so appreciate HIM. I am also reminded to continue being intentional about the things I did while I was waiting on the negative test results to include Walking by Faith!
I pray this encourages someone!
Many Blessings
A'Keta Julinate'
Won’t He do it!!!!!!
March 18, 2021
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