It has been about two weeks since my uncle has gone home to be with the LORD and although I miss him I am so happy that he is no longer in pain or having to take dialysis every day (can you believe that he was on dialysis for 18 years.....GOD is so good).
A few weeks before my uncle went into the hospital he was on my mind heavy and I now know that GOD was preparing me for my upcoming assignment. So when the call came that Joel (my uncle) was in the hospital I knew that I was suppose to go visit him and pray for him. The first time I prayed for him the Holy Spirit told me to tell Joel that GOD was waiting for him to make his request known and to cry out to HIM! When I told Joel he started crying and with each visit I could tell that a shift was taking place in my uncle.....he was talking to GOD more and more and asking GOD to wrap HIS loving arms around him. Weeks to follow Joel and I were able to share some alone time together and I used that time to talk to HIM about how good GOD had been to him and to make sure that he had repented for his sins.
On Thursday morning, July 21st when I got the call at 3am that my uncle was leaving us I jumped up and got on the road and during the hour drive to the hospital I tried to prepare myself to be strong for my aunt (who was like his mother) but nothing could have compared me for what I saw when I walked into the ICU room. I had just let my uncle the night before around 10 and I left thinking that he was going to be okay but I was starting to see that GOD had other plans. Joel was now hooked up to a bunch of machines and had mittens on his hands because he was so restless and trying to pull his tubes out. Although he couldn't talk very well because he was on 100% oxygen he was still able to tell me he loved me. The more and more I watched him it looked like he was fighting someone....he was swinging his arms and even tried to get out the bed a few times. In the spirit realm it seemed to me like he was fighting the death Angels because he wasn't ready to die. After watching him fight for awhile I asked if myself and my aunt could pray for him and he agreed.....we prayed for peace and for GOD's will to be done in his life. I wish I could really explain the peace that came over the room after we prayed.......slowly my uncle stopped fighting, the transition began and several hours later at 6:53pm Joel Pittman took his last breath.
Now I had never seen anyone pass before but I am so thankful that GOD allowed me to encounter the love HE had for my uncle. As I watched Joel's pulse go down to zero and touched his chest to confirm he stopped breathing I started be honest I started singing! Lol....I know sounds crazy but my spirit just wanted to praise GOD for answering our prayers so I started singing Thank you LORD! Now of course there were a few tears but there were a lot of smiles also as we started to remember the good things about Joel.
I wanted to tell this story to bless someone else but I also wanted to go back to that day and hold on the love I felt that day. I told my cousin about a week ago that I wish I could bottle up the peacefulness and the love I felt that day.....I want to always remember that GOD....not that HE is any different any other I guess I want to always be in a good place to receive the peacefulness and love of GOD.
LOl....there were even a few times over the last month that I thanked GOD that I wasn't married and didn't have kids because I was able to sit at the hosiptial and not have to split my time between my family........another reminder that GOD has a plan!
At Joel's home going service I read Phil 4:4-9:
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
Thanks for going on this journey with me!
Many Blessings
A'Keta Julinate'
All last week I kept checking the weather all excited about the the warm weather we were going to finally get here in the Carolinas. Saturday came and the weather was okay but there wasn't much sun and it was windy. I thought okay well Sunday is guaranteed to be a good day! Well Sunday as I was on my way to church it started to rain and I just laughed and I said okay I get it.
What did I get you ask?! I constant reminder that things in life will not always go as planned. LOL...I am sure I am not the only one that wishes it would. For the past 6 years I worked for the military and working for Brigade Commanders and General Officers I became proficient in planning out their days down to the minute so to return back to the states without a plan but to trust GOD has been HARD!
There are days I beg GOD for the full plan for my life because I don't like not having a plan or having a plan and it not working out. Again, working for the military if something changed in the schedule I always had a plan for the plan and I was quick on my feet. Now when a door closes it forces me to sit still and ask GOD to order my next steps.
As I am writing this tears are forming in my eyes because I feel like I am not truly trusting GOD. My pastor said on Sunday that faith is believing GOD is going to answer your prayers or open doors on your behalf but trust comes in when those things don't happen you are still okay because you still trust that HE has a plan. Honest moment....because this is the only way I can grow.....I have faith but I don't always have trust even though I have seen how GOD has worked things out for my good! I want to trust HIM in season and out of season...when things are working in my favor and when things aren't.
I am thankful that GOD continues to show me my weak areas so that I can continue to grow. I ask that you pray for me in this season as I push closer to HIM and I will do the same for you.
Psalm 9:10 And those who know Your name [who have experienced Your precious mercy] will put their confident trust in You, For You, O Lord, have not abandoned those who seek You.
Many Blessings
A'Keta Julinate'
I am one of a few women I know that loves their annual visit to the OB/GYN office. I know I know call me crazy but I desire to have children of my own one day soon and the older I get I always want to talk to my doctor to make sure everything is okay with me.
Well a few weeks ago I walked into my annual appointment excited to catch up with my doctor about his new office, his latest vacation spots and my ovaries (lol). My appointment was going well until my doctor mentioned that he felt a fibroid during my check up. Now I don't remember much after I heard those words come out of my doctor's mouth all I remember is smiling as if everything was okay when really I wanted to break down and cry and ask him a thousand questions.
I left out of my appointment with so many thoughts running through my mind and as I sat in the car I didn't know if I wanted to cry or to go get some comfort food (If you know me then you know I throw the BEST pity parties around and I am a BIG cry Instead I called my cousin (who is a doctor) to have her better explain fibroids to me and to calm me down. As she explained that fibroids are common in African American women and that I could still conceive and deliver a healthy baby with fibroids I heard the Holy Spirit say 'Crucify a Flesh' and sense of calmness came over me.
Later that evening after talking to my mom I decided that although fibroids were common GOD didn't call me to be common....I am an anomaly. I eat healthy and work out so that I can be ready to carry my child when GOD decides to bless me with her (yes so I started praying over my body daily and declaring the word of GOD over my life which took my FAITH to another level. I also changed my diet up a little more because I wanted to be intentional about doing my part!
This past Tuesday morning around 2 am the Holy Spirit woke me and dropped 3 James 1:2 in spirit Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]. I sat in bed knowing that was an on time word from GOD as I preparing to go back to the doctor later that morning for a vaginal ultrasound.
LOL.....well I don't have to tell you how this story ends do I? I mean you know the GOD we serve right?! Okay Okay I will tell you so that GOD can get the Glory. As the nurse was starting my ultrasound she said that I would see the fibroids on the screen in front of me and I laughed and said well I am praying that I won't (my confidence was on 10 at this point) and GUESS WHAT I didn't see any fibroids and neither did the nurse. She was almost confused because I guess my doctor is normally accurate. I got dressed and went back to see my doctor and even he looked a little confused but he said EVERYTHING on the ultrasound looked great! I smiled, thanked GOD and literally floated out of the doctors office!
My first texts went to my sisters, my prayer group and my cousin....all with the same text.... Thanks for the prayers! All of my test results came back negative! I am actually ovulating right now so if you can pray for GOD to send my husband today we can get married and make this baby! LOL...I mean you have to ask for what you want right?
I am so thankful that GOD continues to be crazy FAITHFUL in my life and I so appreciate HIM. I am also reminded to continue being intentional about the things I did while I was waiting on the negative test results to include Walking by Faith!
I pray this encourages someone!
Many Blessings
A'Keta Julinate'
Last Monday when my boss called me into his office I knew that the conversation was not going to be good. My Spirit had been a little uneasy for about a week so I knew GOD was preparing me for something. As I walked in my boss' office he looked at me with a sad look on his face and said he had some bad news to tell me. As I sat down and prepared myself for the news he told me that my extension request had been denied and that I had to leave Kuwait by 17 January 2015 instead of 8 July 2015.
As tears rolled down my face I tried to gather my thoughts and make sense of what I heard. What do you mean my extension had been denied I work hard and give 100% to my job? As my boss explained my extension denial did not come from him but from my higher headquarters because someone forgot to process my paperwork and no one realized it until I came off the books on 15 December.
I sat in silence for at least 5 minutes just staring at the wall. I eventually got up and thanked my boss for informing me and walked out doing my best to hold it together. As soon as I got to my car I let it all out.....crying and screaming WHY.....why now. The first person I called was my mother and as I explained the situation to her in between the cries and sniffles she of course told me to calm down and then she asked me why was I crying you not trust GOD? She suggested that I go home and turn on my favorite gospel song and just worship GOD and thank HIM in advance for what HE was going to do.
I want to be all the way transparent and say at that moment I didn't know what I trusted. All I knew was I was going to be without a job. I was mad, hurt, angry, confused and the last thing I wanted to do was go into worship. I eventually turned on Pandora and Shekinah Glory 'Yes' came on as I pushed myself into worship even though in the flesh that is the last thing I wanted to do but my Spirit knew that was the best thing I could do. I cried some more and prayed in the Spirit and when I was done GOD reminded me of Proverbs 3:5-6 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to HIM, and HE will make your paths straight.'
That night came with more cries and during my 2 am prayer I prayed for favor with my current job or that GOD would open doors as I look for a new job. Over the course of the week GOD reminded me why HE calls me HISBlessedOne and I am forever thankful for that because it brought me comfort.
I ask that when you go before GOD in prayer that you will say a pray for me that I will be obedient to whatever the will of GOD has for my life as I go into 2015!
Thank you
A'Keta Julinate'
God told me a while ago, I needed to share my story. I don’t know how I’m here now, other than God’s grace. When I divorced my 1st husband, I thought that was the worst thing to ever happen to me. When I was eight months pregnant, a woman called to tell me she’d been having an affair with my husband since the beginning of our marriage. I was devastated, but I overcame. I prayed for the love I felt I needed and deserved.
Three years ago, I was engaged to the most amazing man. Our relationship was like something I'd never experienced or seen. Justin was my best friend. We didn’t grow up together or know each other for years prior. I met him on a Sunday at work and by the end of that week I told him he would be my best friend. Without going too much into detail, just imagine a "perfect" relationship. I was going to be this man’s wife. My prayer for the perfect husband was about to come true.
June 12, 2011 a co-worker asked me if I was afraid of death. My response was no, I'm afraid of losing my loved ones. The next day, I found out Justin had been killed. The day Justin died, I died. Love had died. Love had left me and didn’t even say good bye. Love told me to call him on my lunch break and when I called he didn’t answer the phone. Love was killed by a drunk driver late one night on the other side of town. I lost my mind, I lost control of my finances, and I almost emotionally lost my children. For months I waited on death to return for me. I was literally in my bed waiting to die. It took my friend to tell me it would be a shame for my boys to lose two parents, instead of one.
I believe everything I’ve gone through has been for this moment. I’m excited about my outcome because the preparation for my journey has been intense. Each and every man in my life has played an important part in me learning how to love.
God's love and grace brought me back. God heard my cry, and brought Kirk into my life. I opened my heart to a man that was willing to accept me, my flaws and all. God gave me love again. This September we’ll be celebrating our 1st anniversary.
2 Cor 5:7 says “For we live by faith, not by sight.” You can’t see HIM, but you know He’s there guiding you, you just have to trust HIM. --- That’s what I was thinking when presented with the new His Blessed One t-shirt idea, “Walking by FAITH”. To me it’s like going through your trials, tribulations, or circumstances literally blindfolded while trusting an unseen GOD by faith. You can feel the hurt, there’s so many things going wrong, but you know you’re not alone.