Hello there!
For those that have been supporting me since 2012 you know before there were any shirts or even HISBlessedOne, I had a blog named Purposely Driven by HIM. I started the blog because GOD told me to share the life lessons I was learning with others sooooo I was purposed by HIM to start a blog. A year later GOD told me to start HISBlessedOne and here we are 7 years later....still sharing!
Last August GOD told me to Live My Best Life and when I asked HIM what that looked liked HE began to do a good work in me which didn't look like anything I could've imagined. See I really thought I was going to be out here really living it up but instead GOD began to show me things in me that I didn't like {like my heart posture} and HE began to deliver me from past hurts. Listen there have been some rough days here at my house especially when GOD shows you....YOU! I could've said this is who I am but instead I said GOD help me to really LIVE MY BEST LIFE which is being who you have called me to be not the person that I have been for the last 41 year....not the person my mom has said that I am, not the person they say that I am at work, not the person my twin has said that I am and not the person my ex said that I was. GOD show me who you say that I am and teach me to walk in that calling all the days of my life!
I am finally at a place where I am tired of being the best version of A'Keta and decided to be GOD's version of myself. I am dying to who others have said that I am and GOD is revealing to me who HE says that I am....can I tell you that GOD loves me. Can I tell you that GOD is really pursuing me and breathing life into me?! I am reading scriptures that I've read a thousand times with fresh perspective.
The passage that GOD has me in right now that is really blowing my mind is Psalm 139 the Amplified Version. Of course, we know verses 13-16 {I studied it a few years ago which is how the shirt came about} but really the entire chapter is DOPE!
Verses 17-18 reminds me that I can't even imagine the amazing thoughts that GOD {my creator} has of me. I will need to seek HIM at all times so that HE can tell me who I am! I mean HIS thoughts of me outnumber the sand.....THE SAND!
So I am going to sit down at HIS feet and allow HIM to speak life over me. No longer will I say this is just who I am....the devil is a lie, no longer will I allow people {and by people I mean myself also} to speak just anything over my life.....I have all POWER to send those words back to the pits of hell where they came from in JESUS Name.....Amen!
If you are asking what made me write this post.....GOD. Just like I was purposed to start my blog 7 years ago I was purposed to share this post. Not to sell any tees but to go back to the basics and share the life lessons I am learning along the way. It is my prayer that the way GOD is doing a good work in me that you will allow HIM to do the same in you!
Also, since I mentioned HBO and tees there was a period where I felt like I was done but GOD said not so. I want to publicly repent because my heart just wasn't in it over the last month but now that my purpose and calling is becoming clear again I am ready to continue sharing CHRIST with nations.....I will walk boldly in my calling! I AM WHO GOD SAYS THAT I AM!
If you read this and it blessed you I would love to hear from you and if you read this and need prayer I would l love to pray for you. Please send me your contact info and I will give you a call.
Thank you for rocking with me!
Akeata thisis really great. I am glad you continueto let God use you and do a wonderful work in you. Keep keeping on.
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