Last Monday when my boss called me into his office I knew that the conversation was not going to be good. My Spirit had been a little uneasy for about a week so I knew GOD was preparing me for something. As I walked in my boss' office he looked at me with a sad look on his face and said he had some bad news to tell me. As I sat down and prepared myself for the news he told me that my extension request had been denied and that I had to leave Kuwait by 17 January 2015 instead of 8 July 2015.
As tears rolled down my face I tried to gather my thoughts and make sense of what I heard. What do you mean my extension had been denied I work hard and give 100% to my job? As my boss explained my extension denial did not come from him but from my higher headquarters because someone forgot to process my paperwork and no one realized it until I came off the books on 15 December.
I sat in silence for at least 5 minutes just staring at the wall. I eventually got up and thanked my boss for informing me and walked out doing my best to hold it together. As soon as I got to my car I let it all out.....crying and screaming WHY.....why now. The first person I called was my mother and as I explained the situation to her in between the cries and sniffles she of course told me to calm down and then she asked me why was I crying you not trust GOD? She suggested that I go home and turn on my favorite gospel song and just worship GOD and thank HIM in advance for what HE was going to do.
I want to be all the way transparent and say at that moment I didn't know what I trusted. All I knew was I was going to be without a job. I was mad, hurt, angry, confused and the last thing I wanted to do was go into worship. I eventually turned on Pandora and Shekinah Glory 'Yes' came on as I pushed myself into worship even though in the flesh that is the last thing I wanted to do but my Spirit knew that was the best thing I could do. I cried some more and prayed in the Spirit and when I was done GOD reminded me of Proverbs 3:5-6 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to HIM, and HE will make your paths straight.'
That night came with more cries and during my 2 am prayer I prayed for favor with my current job or that GOD would open doors as I look for a new job. Over the course of the week GOD reminded me why HE calls me HISBlessedOne and I am forever thankful for that because it brought me comfort.
I ask that when you go before GOD in prayer that you will say a pray for me that I will be obedient to whatever the will of GOD has for my life as I go into 2015!
Thank you
A'Keta Julinate'
Earlier this month one of my closest friends asked if I would join her in Columbia, SC for the Palmetto Walk for Life/Race for Life in honor of her mother and of course I quickly said yes! I had never walked/ran for Breast Cancer before and I was humbled to join her and I had THE perfect shirt! On Saturday, October 18th I woke up very early to get ready for the race because I knew there would be a huge crowd downtown but I was not prepared for 11,000 people. As I walked up to the park where the race was going to start I saw people with others tshirts on in honor or in memory of a loved one and I silently said a prayer for them and their family. Every step I took on the 3.1 mile walk I saw people smile, laugh and have a good time for this great cause.
This month has defiantly made me more aware of Breast Cancer and the importance of a mammogram (I had my first one earlier this year at 37) and early detection. You can even create a free Early Detection Plan at
Also in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month HISBlessedOne is donating the proceeds from the I Am Blessed Tshirt ( the one I had on during the Walk for Life) will go to BoldandBreastless, Inc. The money will help fund seminars held to promote breast cancer awareness, to educate and motivate all women, to include breast cancer patients and breast cancer survivors, assist with participation in health fairs, purchase care packages for cancer patients and cancer survivors to include children affected by cancer, and to provide care packages to family members of hospice patients.
Many Blessings
A'Keta Julinate'
HISBlessedOne is so excited to partner with Shondia McFadden-Sabari, Executive Director of BoldandBreastless, Inc. Shondia had a bilateral mastectomy on February 11, 2011. Since her mastectomy Shondia has decided not to have reconstructive surgery and she doesn't wear breast forms. Today Shondia is blessed to be a SURVIVOR!
Shondia spends her time educating others about Breast Cancer and visiting cancer patients and survivors. HISBlessedOne would like to assist Shondia and BoldandBreastless, Inc. to continue to be a blessing to others. When you a purchase a HISBlessedOne "I am Blessed" Tee the proceeds of the shirt will go to BoldandBreastless, Inc. The money will help fund seminars held to promote breast cancer awareness, to educate and motivate all women, to include breast cancer patients and breast cancer survivors, assist with participation in health fairs, purchase care packages for cancer patients and cancer survivors to include children affected by cancer, and to provide care packages to family members of hospice patients.
Join us for the great cause! Shop or you can go directly to to make a donation. You can also read Shondia's full story there.
I would like to thank Shondia for being obedient to the HOLY SPIRIT and being a blessing to so many! You are so awesome!
John 10:10 The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
Many Blessings
A'Keta Julinate'